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Monday 26 December 2011

Christmas Nails (& A Cheeky ASOS Purchase)

WELL, i hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Day.
I have many posts planned over the next week or so, and i'm muchos looking forward to everyone elses posts too as i'm sure the famous bearded chap has bought you all some lovely goodies to blog your socks off about :) 
Just a quick post tonight; thought i'd show you all my christmas day nails...

(Almost buried my claw-hand in the Christmas tree there ^ .. ha.. It's quite difficult to take nail photos without some hint of a claw-hand isn't it? :))

I wanted to go for a festive red but didn't want to go for just a plain colour. So i settled on Barry M: Raspberry (a deep plum colour), and a very thin coat of Barry M's Red Glitter over the top (i brushed it on really lightly). The red glitter just gives a bit more depth to the darker shade of red underneath and it looks really lovely when it catches the light. The photos don't really do it much justice - believe it or not they were actually taken in daylight.. Hmmm.. These winter days don't do anything for bloggy photographs!

And the cheeky ASOS Purchase?...

YESsss. Again, i've had one of my 'ASOS woopsie' moments and I've treated myself to a new jumper.. I always like to treat myself on boxing day but i prefer to do it in the comfort of my own home, sat on the sofa scoffing a big box of chocolates in my christmas pyjamas (hmm..charming image..), without having to elbow my way through the sale-shoppers.. 
Here's what i've just ordered (obviously i've nicked the photo off the website as i've just this second clicked the 'order' button..)

I've been eyeing it up for ages.. It's been one of those things you 'add to your basket' and never actually buy. I'm one of those really annoying online shoppers who spends hours putting everything in their basket and then goes to pay and thinks 'nahh..' (after wasting a few hours of my day getting a bit click-happy)
But it's Christmas.. So i justified it...What a little rascal i am! *slap wrist* 

I will hopefully have a 'Christmas Outfit of the Day/Face of the Day' up very soon, and i've fallen in love with a new lipstick.. I shall reveal all within the next week...

I hope you've all had a fun-filled Boxing Day, and maybe even some of you have nabbed some bargainous purchases in the sales?..


  1. I love the nails! At first I thought they were gelish nails, but they look lovely:) Will have to try that Barry M combo out!

  2. I loveeeee these nails! How beautiful! Also I think that sneaky ASOS purchase was definitely needed! Too cute!



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